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Last in the series, let’s talk about Sensitivity Training, also called T-group. It is basically a technique for management development. It is concerned with the real problems existing within the group itself. It is not an imagined problem living outside the organization. It is not a program of teaching skills or improving the understanding of participants.

A T-group is a small discussion group without any leader. The trainer raises a question and encourages open discussion, which is unstructured. The focus is on feeling and mutual respect. Here group members interact and then receive feedback on their behaviors from the trainer & the group members, who express their opinions freely and openly. The feedback may be positive and negative.

The objective of this training includes:
~ Better insight into oneโ€™s own behavior and the way one appears to others
~ A better understanding of group processes
~ Members learn more about themselves, especially their weakness and emotional stability
~ Development of skills in diagnosing & intervening group processes
~ Find a better method and means of behavior for effective interpersonal relationships without power over others

The T-group process may,
~ Lead to personal anxieties and frustrations
~ It may make managers hypersensitive, making them unable to take a hard decision for fear of hurting another

But if properly managed, it can result in collaborative and supportive behavior. The following guidelines can help reduce potential harm and increase effectiveness,
~ Participants in the T-group should be voluntary
~ They should be screened & those who could be harmful should be expelled from this experience
~ Trainers should be carefully evaluated and their competence established
~ Potential participants should be informed about the goals and the process before they commit themselves to sensitivity training

In this program, an attempt is made to change the attitude and behavior of people in the group by introspection, self-criticism, and genuine arguments, and through free and frank discussion, one comes to know how others feel about him and his behavior. It is used in building team efforts. This will give the best method of motivation for self-development.

Synergeze Consultants Private Limitedย brings to you a wide range of Need-based training programs. Do connect with us to discuss your pain areas for the assured results!