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Let’s continue from the previous post regarding ‘Participatory Discussion method’! And here are some insights regarding the questioning technique…

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~ Let the questions be specific probing descriptive answers

~ Don’t question to judge or to interrogate or to insult… Question to reach to the clarity mutually, to initiate further discussion and to make the group learn from each other’s perspective

~ If the discussion gets derailed, only right questions can bring it back on track

~ Answers may not flow in an expected direction… Hence, questions must carry the power to reach out to the right content through the answers received

~ Close-ended questions display an insecurity or fear of the trainer of losing control over the discussion… so, let them be open-ended!

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~ A let go of the rigidity, ego, fixed opinions and prejudices and
~ Welcomes an openness to newer ideas, perspectives with clarity of the training objective

With an open forum for questioning this methods creates a realistic mark over the understanding of the trainees. However, to ensure the retention of the learning, the trainer must design independent method combined with this one.

Synergeze Consultants Private Limitedย believes in these principles and the training programs are designed having them as a foundation of our thought-process. We assure you that may the method be any, the learning will reach its own height with our interactions… So, ๐‹๐ž๐ญ’๐ฌ ๐ƒ๐ข๐ฌ๐œ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฌ!