Between people & processes, none is indispensable or interchangeable. Hence while setting processes, people need to be trained & equipped to tune-in & the they must be helping people to be able to reach the ultimate outcome. It is a cycle & wheel must be rolling continuously.

Lets look at from industry point of view:

~ Manufacturing industry – Processes = core. The desired outcome heavily relies on the processes, its timeframes & milestones with set path for People to contribute. The processes are expected to add value at each level, without demeaning importance of people & their minds which are put to work either at the level of inception or quality control. In short, people are needed to strengthen rather challenging the Processes.
~ Service industry – People are the face here. With the focus on desired outcome, its people who deliver. There is room for creativity and value add from people & processes help them to channelize their skills. Flexibility, continuous improvements & agility is the key with people aligning with the processes.

Despite the common knowledge base each business has a different DNA to operate & thus needs customized solutions. This is exactly what we offer at Synergeze Consultants Private Limited